My yard is wild. No, really. Through combination of scattering native wildflower seeds in certain spots and neglect, my yard has gone wild. I’m embarrassed what the neighbors might think. The lawn is mostly weeds with a smattering of grass. I’m pretty sure the weeds are all natives, or at least naturalized like dandelions. Things like ground ivy, self heal and clover run rampant. It really does all look a mess, but this morning when I opened my front door I startled some goldfinches who were snacking on seeds from some of my flowers, and a yellow tiger swallowtail butterfly was supping on a coneflower while the little golden birds flitted here and there. Every time I walk out my door I am surrounded by the hum of bumble bees. Droves and droves of them. There are always hummingbird moths flitting among the bee balm along with the bees, and occasionally a real hummingbird will fly by. There are so many other interesting things to see that I often want to just wander amongst the flowers and loose myself, but I watch my toddler granddaughter during the day so losing myself is never an option.