
Monday, October 27, 2008

Strange and Scary Travel Tales - A Wednesday Blogapalooza Event

On Wednesday I'll be participating in a Blogapalooza hosted by the Just Go! travel blog. Just Go! is a creation of travel writer, Angela Nickerson .

Those participating in the Blogapalooza will relate their strangest, scariest, or spookiest travel story. There are over 30 bloggers participating. Angela has a Blogapalooza link list up on her blog. All you have to do is visit her blog on Wednesday and click on the blogs on her list to enjoy a host of spooky, strange, and scary travel stories.

And there are goody bags! Enter for a chance to win one here on her blog on Wednesday. What's in the goody bags? Visit this post on her blog to find out what you could win.

My strange and creepy travel tale will be up on my blog on Wednesday - and it's all true! Every word of it! Stop back on Wednesday to find out if I survived =^..^=

And don't forget to read the other strange and scary travel tales posted by lots of other bloggers on that day!

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