Today they opened up beautifully - only to be tied together and hung upside down to dry out, I'm afraid.
There are a few more tight, green buds still on my plants, but I think that with nights set to dip into the 20's before the week is out, my calendula is probably done for.
My mere handful of plants really produced a bounty this year. I grew them from seeds which I had saved from the year before.
I'm already looking forward to next year's garden.
Aren't we all.
Too much grey and too much cold.
Do you call these 'Pot Marigolds'? I wonder where the pot bit comes from.
The verification word fits the post, partially at least:
extr(a) in wa (ter)
Hi Jo!
Yes, Calendula officinalis is also known as pot marigold. I don't know where the pot comes from. Maybe they're easy to grow in pots? And they're not the same as the marigold that usually comes to mind - but they have similar coloring.
I just love that color!
Hi adrienne!
I know - it's so rich, and almost glows. I always hate clipping them to bring them inside and dry them. But I love the calendula salve I make with them. I once cut the tippy end of one of my fingers off with a new (and sharp!) potato peeler. With my salve and a little pampering, my finger was as good as new in 1 week. I love my calendula salve!
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