I'm so excited! I've already begun washing it a little at a time. Can't wait to comb it and dye it and spin it...
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Big Bag of Raw Fleece
I'm so excited! I've already begun washing it a little at a time. Can't wait to comb it and dye it and spin it...
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Okay, one more little clip... Jingle Bells! With animals!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
I love the holidays!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Sometimes I'm a little slow...
I have to say that the pages look really nice and I'm flabbergasted. They contain information about the book, a large cover photo, a link to the regular Amazon page where you can buy the book, and even an excerpt - all without the clutter that's usually found on the regular Amazon.com page.
Here are the links to the pages for my 2 books available through the Kindle store - downloadable not only to Kindle e-readers, but, with free Kindle apps, to your computer, iPhone, iPad, Droid, Blackberry, etc. :
My Twelfth Christmas
The Witch of Starmont
As the holidays approach, My Twelfth Christmas has begun to receive some notice. It's often ranked in the top 10 bestsellers for children's Christmas books, and it's often in the top 25 bestsellers for holiday/Christmas books in general. The rankings fluctuate a lot, but it's fun to watch. It's exciting to see that people are buying my book.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Dyeing with Natural Dyes
For the dye, I used a mix of dried goldenrod, dried calendula, onion skins, dried yarrow, and fresh marjoram.
I mordanted the yarn with alum and cream of tartar while the dyebath was being prepared. When the yarn was mordanted, I plunked it in the dyebath and let it simmer for about 45 minutes or so.
The lightest-colored yarn below is the merino. It was actually an afterthought and I put it in the dyebath after other yarns had been taken out, and I only left it in for about 20 minutes.
The corriedale cross yarn came out with a nice yellow coloring, although not what I'd call vibrant:
I was really pleased. I talked with a lady I know who dyes using natural dyes. She said that the superwash yarns usually do take up the dye really well. Here's the sock yarn:
I can't wait until the next growing season when I can gather more plants with which to dye. Some of the plants I already have in my medicinal herb garden are also dye plants. Yea!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Stalking the wild asparagus - plus processing my alpaca fleece
Decades later, I've done it. By accident. While 'stalking' another wild plant, I came across a patch of wild asparagus! Wow. I feel as though I have accomplished one of my life's secret goals (another of which is to climb Mt. Everest - but that, I'm sure, will never come to fruition, so a thing like this is made all the more meaningful :-)
Here is the wild asparagus:
And now for the alpaca. I got my hands on a raw alpaca fleece:
And here are some of the bags of sorted fiber:
I've been washing it a few ounces at a time in some salad spinners. I let it soak a couple of times in hot, soapy water. Let it sit through a couple of rinse baths, and then spin the excess water out of it:
I let it dry on a screen in my garage. Here is some scoured fleece:
And here it is in the 'planking' stage of the combing process with my four-pitch wool combs:
Monday, September 20, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
How goes the spinning?
I've since made lots of other yarn:
On the wheel right now is what I'm producing with the last of my roving. I have only a few ounces left of two types of roving, an unknown purple sheep's wool, and gray Suffolk, which is kind of coarse :
That's not plied yarn on the bobbin. I'm just putting the two fibers together and drafting them out together to spin. I've put it on hold, though, until I can get back to it:
But I did ply a dyed merino yarn that I made, with an undyed blue faced Leicester (the white) yarn that I made, and it created what I refer to as 'candy cane' yarn. I'm in the middle of knitting what I've termed 'peppermint mittens' with it:
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Hand-grown/made things are wonderful
And my daughter designed and built (with some help from her boyfriend) an herb-drying rack for me. I've already put it to use with some hyssop, parsley, calendula, oregano, lemon balm, thyme, and peppermint :
This is what I've been using, rigged precariously from an old freezer rack. It's done the trick, but space has always been a problem:
Now, with this new rack, I have loads more space. I hang most of my herbs to dry in the warm, dark garage in the summer. A few I'll pop into a barely-warm oven, but most recieve the hanging treatment:
Monday, August 30, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Enjoying the harvest
We've had roasted beets in salads; spaghetti sauce made with tomatoes, herbs, and garlic from our garden; potatoes mashed, roasted and fried; carrots with roasts, salads, and more; fresh sweet corn cooked and eaten just after picking (yum!); green beans; and okra and lima beans coming in slowly (the first few I've frozen), but they'll begin produce in larger quantities soon.
Any day now we'll have enough poblano peppers to make a meal of chile rellenos.
So even if gardening this year has presented some challenges (flooding, weeds, pests), we've still been able to enjoy the modest fruits of all of that work and worry.
And tucked away in our freezer are things to remind us of summer when the weather begins to chill - hand-picked strawberries frozen fresh, green beans, peppers and chilies, okra, and lima beans.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Fragrant herbs...
I've been gathering culinary herbs from the garden and hanging them to dry: sweet basil, sage, and sweet marjoram. As they've passed through my kitchen in the process, they've left behind their wonderful aromas.
And I have some other herbs drying in a barely-warm oven. These are medicinal herbs, but just as fragrant: tulsi (holy basil) and chamomile.
And I've begun the maceration process on two herbal tinctures, one fragrant, the other not: lavender (Provence) and plantain.
There are wonderful scents wafting around my kitchen, so sad they'll soon fade.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Been thinking...
If you want to know what the beautiful music is that's playing, it's "Waltz of the White Lilies," by the traditional Irish music band, Déanta.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Half Broke Horses

Half Broke Horses is by Jeannette Walls, author of the acclaimed memoir The Glass Castle, which I haven't read but will right after this. While The Glass Castle is a memoir, Half Broke Horses is the story of Jeannette Walls' grandmother, told in a captivating first person voice.
I've just come to a part where Lily, the subject of the book, has gone to teach school in a little Mormon polygamist town in northern Arizona. She's got her two children, Rosemary and Little Jim, with her. Lily is describing the town and its people:
The houses they lived in, I came to see, were essentially breeding factories where as many as seven wives were expected to churn out a baby a year... The girls were raised to be docile and submissive. In the first few months I was there, a couple of my thirteen-year-old girls disappeared, vanishing into their arranged marriages.
Rosemary was fascinated by these kids with all their multitudes of moms, and these dads with all their sets of wives, and she kept asking me to explain it. She was particularly intrigued with Mormon underwear and wondered if it really gave the Mormons special powers.
"That's what they believe," I told her, "but that doesn't mean it's true."
"Then why do they believe it?"
"America is a free country," I said. "And that means people are free to believe whatever cockamamie thing they want to believe."
"So they don't have to believe it if they don't want to?" Rosemary asked.
"No they don't"
"But do they know that?"
Smart kid.
Oh golly, I love this book. If its not on your bookshelf, go rustle it up. You won't be disappointed.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The new banner photo...
Been enjoying a bit of garden harvest
Last night I threw some things from the garden together in a pan, cooked them up, added some ground turkey, and we had it for dinner. I don't have any pictures of garden produce because my camera is acting up, but here's a list of what went into dinner:
Not from the garden:
ground turkey
one small can tomato sauce
From the garden:
three varieties of bush beans
It's a lazy, but yummy, way of enjoying what comes out of the garden.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I love my herbal tea
I love making teas with the things that I grow. And this year I'll be able to make my 'Stave-Off' tea completely with things that I've grown. For the past two years I've had to use mail-order elecampane, but this year I'll have some from my own garden, as well as some gathered from the wild.
My Stave-Off tea is made with elecampane root, holy basil leaves and flowers, lemon balm leaves, and calendula petals. I drink it when I feel like I'm coming down with something. It hasn't disappointed me yet. It gets me feeling tip-top within one or two days.
I always feel a little guilty when I hear people complaining about how lousy a cold is making them feel. It's like having a little, magic secret as to how they can feel better. But I don't push my tea on anyone. I mean, how would you react if you said, "Gosh, this cold is whipping my butt," and an acquaintance announced, "Oh! I make an herbal tea that will help you feel better!" Yeah. Right.
I've tried to grow quantities enough to offer perhaps a few of my teas for sale through my Etsy shop come fall. It'll be interesting to see if there will be any takers - people who are looking for that kind of thing.
Friday, August 6, 2010
The last of the vacation pics (hurrah!)
What's a western themed vacation without cacti? We drove through Saguaro National Park in Arizona on the way to see my mom. Here's a close-up view of a saguaro cactus:
This particular one was busy reaching for the sky and didn't pay me any mind as I snapped its picture:
I've forgotten where along the way I took this picture. I think it was past Phoenix on our way toward Petrified Forest National Park. Anyway, it was a beautiful canyon in some mountains that we were driving through. Maybe it's the Salt River. It was red with sediment:
At the Petrified Forest/Painted Desert National Park, the trees aren't standing upright as in a real forest. They're lying down, scattered all over the place. They're the remains of trees which fell into a huge river eons ago and were covered by sediment. The organic material eventually was replaced by minerals, preserving the trees so that they look as though they've just been felled and cut up. If you click on the picture below, you can see a bit of a rainbow in the right 1/4 of the sky:
Doesn't this look like a fallen tree that's been cut up to clear a hiking path? Amazing that it's now stone:
Still looks like wood:
Here's my son wandering along one of the trails through the park:
In the painted desert, the earth sometimes mimics the colors of the sky:
As the sun set, a storm was approaching. My husband and son are watching and photographing. What you can't see is the wind and the dust blowing in the plains below:
The dark, distant mass between the clouds and the land is the rain pouring down from the heavens. That's my husband trying to capture the lighting bolts on (digital) film. He did catch a beautiful shot, click here to see it. Below you can see him steadying his tripod in the strong winds:
We had lots of adventures on our trip, but it's awfully nice to be home again. Have you had any adventures this summer?