Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sled Dog


Compostwoman said...


I LIKE it!

aromatic said...

Strider looks adorable. What a great picture. Basil thinks Strider looks mighty fine sitting proudly on the sledge!
Basil has not been very well again... (gut problems... so a wee bit embarrassing for Basil) I am again quite behind with my blog things not going so well at present but will update blog soon. In the meantime.. take care and happy sledging!!
Love Jane and several woofs from Basil xxxx

ICQB said...

Hello Compstwoman! Hello Jane!

So nice to hear from both of you! I'm glad you liked the picture - Strider didn't actually go down the hill in the sled. He jumped out as soon as it was pushed and chased the sled all the way down the hill.

I'm so sorry to hear that Basil is under the weather. Give him lots of gentle pats and scritchels behing the ears for me - and Strider gives a sympathetic woofy whine and is sending good doggie thoughts Basil's way.

Remember to take care of yourself too, Jane, so that you can better help those around you in their need. Lots of positive thoughts going your way!!

ICQB (Linda)

Adrienne said...

Awww...give him a push!