Teasel bending with its burden:
Queen Anne's lace all closed up and holding the snow:
Burdock. My doggie hates burdock. See all the little grippy hooks? Burdock burrs were the inspiration for Velcro:
These nibbles are from hungry bunnies. On a walk yesterday I saw bunny prints in the snow all around these low-hanging wild apple boughs. The bunnies had been busy nibbling away at the bark and the little nascent budlings. The tracks are gone today, covered by a fresh layer of snow:

My dog wants me to stop taking pictures and play in the snow with him:
My dog wants me to stop taking pictures and play in the snow with him:
My son gets the wonderful job of shoveling this morning (notice he's wearing the Jayne Cobb hat I made for him):
Lovely pictures.... yummy snow!! Fed up here of all the rain and mud, sloppy yucky mud we have the pleasure of walking through day by day!! And slipping and sliding in it.. nearly went over yesterday!!!
We have a plant that grips like Queen Anne's lace here and we call it Teasel.... and we have another low lying plant that releases loads of sticky buds in the fur of either dog or cat that is unfortunate enough to brush by it, we call them sweethearts, god knows why as they are a nightmare to get out of long fur such as Basils and Striders...
Strider is looking mighty fine again and really enjoying that snow!
Basil however is still poorly... and in the last week spent £183.00 at the vets due to Basil's gut problems, and due to spend another £70.00 pounds tomorrow for a special vaccine that is been made up for him! I don't begrudge Basil a penny I would go to the ends of the earth for him... we love him so much! Thankfully we are insured but we usually try to pay our vet up front before we claim for it... What I am trying to say is that Basil is having to go through so much and I/We feel so sorry for him and hate to see him so poorly.
I really must try and get some time to catch up my blog and explain in more detail... having a rough time at the moment (still) with other situations, son was made redundant last week and he is devastated and my Mums dementia problems are becoming much worse... Will try to find some time (hopefully) at the weekend!
Take Care.. Love Jane xxxx and loving doggy woofs to Strider from Basil xxx
Hi Jane,
Lovely to hear from you - I sent you an email a few days ago about not winning the book giveaway : (
Sorry to hear that your troubles are continuing - I'm sending only good thoughts your way. Hope the weather clears up soon and the sun comes out - in more ways than one!
So sorry to hear Basil is still under the weather. Wish I could give him some petting in person. I don't know why, but I feel such an affinity for him. I guess because he's red and white and such a wonderful good doggie. It makes me sad to think that he is unwell. Give him lots of pets from me, and Strider sends lots of encouraging woofs.
And don't forget to take care of yourself too!!! Take a little time each day just for you. It will help everyone in the long run.
Thinking of you,
ICQB (Linda)
Striking pictures of the Burdock, Teasel and Queen Anne's lace.
Hi Joco,
Yes, it's different to see them all dried up and covered in snow. But sometimes that's just as nice to look at as when they're in full bloom.
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